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AgWC Contact Material
Product Introduction

AgWC materials are prepared by tungsten carbide skeleton infiltration method with extremely high harness and resistance to electric wear. Its contact resistance is slightly higher than AgW materials and it has good welding resistance and high electric burn resistance. When high temperature is generated in the arc combustion process, the free carbon contained in WC materials can slow down the oxidation of tungsten or make tungsten reduction, slow down the overall oxidation of the material, and effectively improve the oxidation resistance of the contact and the stability of electrical performance under power-up state of the contact.

Product Features

(一)Structure and application


克什克腾旗| 三穗县| 清镇市| 伊金霍洛旗| 崇州市| 车致| 临安市| 遂平县| 泰宁县| 会昌县| 林西县| 宣化县| 芦山县| 神池县| 南江县| 宜兴市| 浦县| 岑巩县| 闻喜县| 凤台县| 建阳市| 合川市| 伊通| 望奎县| 广宗县| 温州市| 高密市| 平邑县| 湖北省| 青田县| 新竹市| 改则县| 亚东县| 新津县| 万年县| 凌源市| 元阳县| 洪泽县| 麻栗坡县| 清河县| 宝坻区|